In Hindu mythology, Kadam (Neolamarckia Cadamba) was the favourite tree of Lord Krishna. The tree was immortalized by the touch of ‘Amrit’ when Garuda sat over it while carrying the pot of ‘Amrit’ after stealing it from Lord Indra. It stood immortal in Kalida Lake where everything else perished because of venomous presence of Kalia Nag.
The Dham premise is fortunate to have the presence of a Kadam Tree in its compound. Such is the power and auspiciousness of this tree that while the construction of the Dham was going on, the horticulturist found a pair of male and female black snakes in the ground under the tree. On probing this incident further with some renowned Pandits (Saints), it was told that this is a very auspicious sign and the snakes should not be killed, rather they should be allowed to go inside the hole peacefully. Since Kadam tree which itself is a very religious plant, a pair of snakes in the burrows around it makes it more auspicious. Therefore, the area around Kadam tree was developed with a belief that this place is auspicious and worth worshipping. So a platform to do "Parikrama" around the tree and to worship it, was developed and the name 'Kadam Tree Pooja Sthal' was given to it.